Some Common questions.


I have played and taught drums professionally for over 25 years. I studied music at college and have professional qualifications both in performance and teaching. I have experience teaching class music in schools and can teach students from beginners to a very advanced level. My previous students include pro players and other drum teachers. I use a really easy to follow curriculum and students get access to all of the lessons resources online through our learning portal. As a student or parent you will get weekly lesson notes via email and will always know what work on to help you make the most progress possible.  I also offer RSL awards which are level based drum exam qualifications. More info at

I will take your learning and progress seriously and will ensure that you learn lots, make good progress and have fun doing it. So, whether you want to play some of your favorite songs, get in a band or study to take a drum exam, I’ll help you develop the skills to achieve your goals.

What will I learn?

We all have different reasons for taking lessons so, You’ll be following a flexible learning plan that will provide you with a really solid foundation for whatever it is that you want to do with your drumming. It will include all of the basics of developing good technique, coordination skills, common patterns and concepts and reading notation. Basically, you’ll develop all of the skills that any drummer needs to be able to play with other musicians. Once you have a solid foundation we’ll create a more tailored plan based on specific areas or things that you are most interested in learning more about.

Where do lessons take place?

Lesson take place at my home studio which is located at 1375 9th street, Ogden, Utah, 84404.

How much do lessons cost?

Current pricing is $80 per hour.

Do I need a drum set to start lessons?

It helps but you can start with just a pair of sticks and a practice pad to begin with. If you are serious about making progress then you will want to have a kit at home to get the maximum benefit out of your lessons.

Do I need to practice between lessons?

Absolutely, in the lessons you will learn lots of cool stuff and I’ll even teach you how to practice (yep – a lot of musicians don’t know how to do this)! Basically practice isn’t about understanding what you’ve been learning. It’s about physically playing what you have learned so that it becomes second nature. Basically, you keep doing something until your brain says “hang on, we keep doing this, I’ll make a shortcut”. Then it feels easy. That’s actually a bit of an over simplification of what happens but you get the idea . People sometimes call this muscle memory.

What is the minimum age for drum lessons?

In my experience, it can be very challenging for some younger children to learn drums. My preference is to work with children aged 10 and over. This is because the mechanics of playing and reaching all parts of the drums can be an issue on the full sized equipment that I use in the studio. Also, attention spans in younger children can be very short and they may struggle to focus. Many other instruments such as piano and ukulele are an ideal starting place before moving on to drums at a later time.